Defenders of Freedom offers a solution to Veterans who struggle with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
We're a 100% donor-funded non-profit that serves our veterans. To learn how to support, click below.
We depend on our sponsors to provide the veteran services that we do. Interested in sponsoring?
Defenders of Freedom provides donors with the organization they need to support post-9/11 Veterans in their transition to civilian life through emergency financial assistance, morale-building programs, and traumatic brain injury treatment.
We are a 100% donor & sponsor driven 501(c)(3) non-profit.
Defenders of Freedom offers a solution to Veterans who struggle with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). This signature wound of post 9/11 Veterans is grossly neglected.
We've partnered with Dr. Scharlene Gaudet of Resiliency Brain Health, Life Stream Wellness, & the Las Colinas Pharmacy.
This to allows a comprehensive approach to address the physiological and chemistry issues facing Veterans with TBI.
– Donna Cranston,
Founder/Executive Director
We've identified a solution to the debilitating injury from
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and we are committed to
helping Veterans get life-changing treatment.
We're a donor, supporter, and sponsor driven 501(c)(3) non-profit.
Read the latest here.
Defenders of Freedom’s primary goals are to provide care and transitional support for our Troops and Veterans and to provide access to Veterans with TBI to a comprehensive treatment protocol.